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ISSUE #9 - October 2012Books I Recommend
Miller and Rollnick have created a new paradigm for MI. They now present the “four processes” used in the approach, engaging, focusing, evoking and planning. The idea is that these processes are overarching concepts that guide the clinician in using MI, and with these the specific listening and behavior change techniques are used. This book is very readable, and instructive with many case examples and explanations of the concepts in very clear language. I find Miller and Rollnick’s work to be a real joy to read! Motivational Interviewing: Helping People Change, 3rd ed, Guilford Press, 2012.
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Where is Dr. Ellen?October 22 - Lecturer at the National Society for Genetic Counselors Conference, Boston, MANovember 4 - Workshop for Gaucher disease patients, “Empower Yourself, Change Your Life” National Gaucher Foundation, Pittsburgh, PANovember 10 - Workshop Trainer, MI for Health Behavior Change, CT - Children's Medical Center, East Hartford, CTNovember 29 - Workshop Trainer, Cambridge Health Alliance, Cambridge, MADecember 5 and 6 - Workshop trainer, MI for Health Behavior Change, Medical Care Development, Portland, MEDecember 8 - Lecture at Harvard University Eating Disorders Annual Conference, MI and Eating Disorders
Feature Article: Empower Yourself, Change Your Life From Dr. Ellen's Blog: Using Powerful Activities in Workshops for the Public The Changing TimesMotivational Interviewing for Positive Behavior ChangeDear Friend, Recently I have discovered a new way to use my skills as a Motivational Interviewing trainer. I’m really very excited about this! I have adapted my MI trainings for professionals for use with lay people, and this has been very successful. I traveled to Philadelphia last week to provide a workshop, Empower Yourself, Change Your Life, for patients and their families. I was somewhat anxious about doing this, since it’s really an adaptation of MI, but it was very well received. Participants told me it really helped them to think about their lives and the process of changing things that would improve the quality of their lives. This new way of using my MI training skills is really quite wonderful, and gives me an opportunity to be creative with my professional skills! P.S. I stated in my September newsletter that I would
cover Part 2 of The 4 Processes of Motivational Interviewing. I
discussed the first two processes, Engaging and Evoking and was to
discuss the last two processes, Focusing and Planning in the October
newsletter. However, I was so thrilled to bring you lessons from my
Empower Yourself, Change Your Life workshop, I decided postpone Part 2
and revisit this topic in the November newsletter. Empower Yourself, Change Your Lifeback to top
I have done some training work for Genzyme, Inc., training their genetic counselors and patient liasons. Genzyme manufactures medications to treat genetic diseases such as Gaucher, Fabrey and Pompe diseases. These are inherited disorders of metabolism that cause a variety of problems, including bone and joint pain, weak or fragile bones, easy bleeding and bruising, anemia and fatigue. These physical problems can cause serious pain and disability. The medications only stop the progression of these disorders, but don’t cure them, so patients must continue to use the meds for a lifetime. Genzyme has hired me to train these professionals in Motivational Interviewing, and this training has been extremely well received. Recently I was hired by the National Gaucher Foundation to adapt the MI training for patients and families, and did the first such program last week. (Here's the link to the event brochure) I talked with them about How to talk with yourself about change, and about the spirit of MI, including being gentle with yourself about changing behavior. We did several exercises together, including asking them to write about something they have successfully changed already. I asked them to write about the process of change, and who or what helped them to be successful. Participants then shared some of what they wrote, and discussed ways to be successful in changing behavior. We did several other exercises, all designed to help participants clarify their goals regarding possible changes about which they feel ambivalent. I pointed out that most of us have things we think we should change, but haven’t changed yet, that is something we are ambivalent about. We explored some of these possible changes and examined our long term goals and values to see if these proposed changes fit with those values. I describe one of these exercises in my blog below or you can click here, if you would like more information on this.
You are welcome to use Dr. Glovsky's articles in any of your own publications provided you copy the following into the article: "Dr. Ellen Glovsky is a Registered Dietitian and Motivational Interviewing trainer. She is on the faculty of Northeastern University in Boston, MA, where she teaches courses in nutrition, public health and MI. Her website, newsletter, and blog are at Training With Dr. Ellen." Ellen Glovsky, PhD, RD, LDN 2012. All rights reserved.
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