#12 - December 2012
Are you looking for a great
holiday gift for a colleague or an employer?
I am offering my
Introduction to Motivational Interviewing DVD at a special price.
Quantities are limited!

Special for my DVD Package
Receive a 20% off discount ($28.00) with FREE
shipping and FREE
Gift Wrap from now until January 1, 2013.
This recorded webinar discusses the spirit of
Motivational Interviewing, as well as the basic skills, including the
concepts of the “righting reflex,” change talk, and the decisional
matrix, three core components of the MI guiding style.
This DVD package includes PowerPoint slides and
To expedite your order, email me directly at
– please use Holiday DVD Special
in the subject title.
is Dr. Ellen?
I'm taking some
time off in December to spend with my family. We have a new grandbaby
on the way!
Brand New Workshop Announced
“Motivational Interviewing and Health
Behavior Change”, April 13, 2013 in Boston, MA. Watch this
newsletter for details on how to register.
to a Friend
Me Speak!
teleclass with Coach Jean Caton of The Profitable Woman. Click
the audio link below and hear How I turned Motivational
Interviewing into a Business
Business of Changing Behavior with Dr. Ellen
Teleclass Audio Link
to Motivational Interview DVD available!
Learn the basics of Motivational
Interviewing and its application to health behavior change counseling
Discover the spirit
and techniques of Motivational Interviewing including:
- The
guiding, collaborative style of Motivational Interviewing
- Dealing
with the “righting reflex” and client resistance
- Identifying
and responding to change talk
- Using
the Decisional Matrix and Importance/Confidence techniques
Email to Order or at

If you would like Dr. Ellen
to speak at your next event, please contact
Dr Ellen teaching Motivational
Interviewing and Health Behavior Change at Connecticut
Children's Medical Center, Hartford, CT, November 2012
See more photos of Dr. Ellen on
the Training With Dr. Ellen website image gallery here
Dear %$firstname$%,
One of the things I like most about being a Motivational
Interviewing trainer is that I get to talk about one of my favorite
topics with other interesting people on a regular basis. That
topic is behavior change; how do we stimulate,
motivate, and help others to make decisions about change (or no change)
that are best for them. Notice I didn’t
say just “best”, which implies that I know what would be best for
them! The focus of MI is helping people decide what they
want to do, and what is realistic for them in the context of
their lives.
Here are a few things I’ve learned this year about MI,
about behavior change, and about being an MI trainer.
- The participants in my MI workshops are really the
experts in their own lives and work. In MI we emphasize that our
patients/clients are the experts in their own lives.
I’ve learned that my trainees are also the experts in their
professional lives and what works best for them as professional agents
of change.
- I as a trainer cannot make
trainees want to learn MI, any more than clinicians can make
their patients/clients change their behavior. Often there are
people who are required to attend the workshop, and sometimes they
become engaged as we get going, and sometimes they don’t.
While it’s much more fun for me to teach people who are engaged with me
in the learning process, it’s really not about me.
- If I am paying attention, the participants in my
workshops teach me at least one new thing every time. It’s
really pretty amazing, and proves to me that people really are the
experts in their own lives!
- In my training to teach others how to use MI I was
taught that the most important aspect of training is the trainer.
That’s because while the trainer is lecturing, showing video clips,
organizing practice exercises and coaching participants in the
techniques of MI, he or she is modeling the spirit and
technique of Motivational Interviewing. I
am keenly aware during my workshops that my use of MI techniques and
approaches is influencing the learning. It feels wonderful
when participants tell me they understand how it works by listening to
me, and via the coaching I incorporate into the workshops.
I look forward to my seventh year as an MI
trainer. I have been privileged to work with many diverse
organizations, including health care providers, quality assurance
groups, non-profit groups that support clinicians, insurance providers,
companies in the pharmaceutical industry, academic institutions, and
professional organizations conducting conferences and
Thanks to everyone who I’ve worked with this year, for
providing opportunities for others to learn the essential spirit and
technique of Motivational Interviewing.
It has been a gift to work with you!

are welcome to use Dr. Glovsky's articles in any of your own
publications provided you copy the following into the article: "Dr.
Ellen Glovsky is a Registered Dietitian and Motivational Interviewing
trainer. She is on the faculty of Northeastern University in Boston,
MA, where she teaches courses in nutrition, public health and MI. Her
website, newsletter, and blog are at Training With Dr.
Ellen Glovsky, PhD, RD,
LDN 2012. All rights reserved.
From The Training
with Dr. Ellen Blog

Labeling Patients/Clients as
There’s an expression in traditional medical practice,
which also includes nurses, dietitians, physical therapists,
pharmacists and other providers who work with patients. Those
who don’t take their medicines as prescribed, eat the right diet,
exercise, and do all the other things we are told to do for our
health. For many, this becomes a really complicated and
time-consuming set of behaviors people must master.
Patients who don’t do everything they are told to do are
called “non-compliant”. I find this such a condescending
label, really making the other person wrong.
I think having compassion for the patient’s life, values and goals is
key. In Motivational Interviewing, compassion is part of
the spirit of MI. This
means putting yourself in the other’s place and understanding things
from his/her point of view.

Changes to 'The Changing Times'
I am excited to announce
a few changes to my newsletter, 'The Changing Times'. I will be using a
new email program to accomodate an ever-growing list of subscribers
along with offering a more streamlined format.
I think you will like the new look and feel of 'The Changing Times'.
I'll be looking for your feedback.
Happy Holidays and Happy
New Year!
Dr. Ellen